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Wilnsdorf Museum

Image Copyright: Stefan Neuser

The Wilnsdorf Museum offers history on 1.700 m², which can be experienced. Whether regional or global past, the museum offers something for every age group and guarantees apart from sound knowledge always a small pinch of 'adventure'.

The folkloristic museum conveys on two level insights into the life and work in the villages of the southern Siegerland at the begin of the 20th-century. A separate exhibition remembers the time of the Siegerland mining. A natural history cabinet gives information about the insects and plants of the Siegerland.

The historical-cultural meeting place enables a 'trip through time': from the history of earth via the Stone Ages to the antique high civilisations until the Middle Ages and the modern era. Changing special exhibitions enhance and extend the spectrum.

The museum's culture-historical department, offers the opportunity to get to know world history better in an informative and entertaining way. Thematic composition and presentation of this department are exceptional, because the originals of the around 1000 exhibited showpieces can be found in more than 100 museums in around 60 states on four continents.

Die Besucher können Bekanntschaft schließen mit Fossilien, Dinosauriern, einem lebensgroßen Mammut, einer Familie aus dem Neanderthal, mesopotamischen Königen, griechischen Göttern, römischen Gladiatoren und einem ägyptischen Sterndeuter.
In ferne Länder und in ferne Zeiten führen die Präsentationen "Afrikanische Impressionen" und "Mineralien aus aller Welt".

Image Copyright: Stefan Neuser

Image Copyright: Stefan Neuser

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